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2016-03-14 来源:Bsports必一体育整合

  Yruesday January lst Sunny

  It's New Year's Day today. This morning when I got up, I heardsomebody singing a love song. It was mum! Ifelt very strange because Iknew mum didn't enjoy popular songs. And I didn't think it was suitable formy middle-aged mother to sing any love songs. What's more, dad wasfollowing what mum was singing. "What had happened to them?" Then Inoticed a box with a small card on the table. I got close to it carefully andunderstood then. As a matter of fact, it was their 15th marriage anniversarytoday. That's why they were so happy. When seeing their happiness, I alsofelt happy.

  1月1日 星期二 晴

  今天是元旦节。早上起床时,我听到有人在唱爱情歌曲。是妈妈!我感到很奇怪,因为我知道妈妈不喜欢流行歌曲,而且我觉得已经中年的妈妈已不适合唱爱 情歌曲。更奇怪的是,爸爸也随着妈妈的歌声唱起来了。“他们怎么了?”后来我注意到了桌子上有一个盒子,盒子上系着一张小卡片。我小心地靠近它,直到这时 才明白。原来今天是他们结婚15周年纪念日。这就是为什么他们如此快乐的原因。看到他们幸福的样子,我也感到很快乐。


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