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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语读后感 > 《小妇人》读后感8_2000字


2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

 "Little Women" is an autobiographical nature of the family with a novel, the author is a U.S. Aoerkete.

  This book will be the main Marchi is home to four different character of the girls through their own good and hard work to find their own well-being of the story's ups and downs of rock or no plot, no suspense spectacular, but by using plain language description of the Marchi home Tianlun love. Are good, the love of family love and loyalty to the desire deeply touched me. The author describes only a very ordinary life in the details, but it is always exposed to love the vision of a better life.

  Marchi family home while the girls poor, but they have it has anything positive and optimistic attitude. Novels stressed their individuality and dignity, but they have shown self-restraint, self-reliance and independence are the four girls are the common characteristics they always keep to identify their weaknesses and efforts to correct. It is also worthy of everyone's learning.

  I like Meg, like her love to be willing to poverty, not by the temptation of money for the character of ladies like her style. I like Joe, like her freely, like her dream and work hard for the unwavering determination. I like Beisi, like her quiet, do anything Haowuyuanyan, for others like her always think of good moral character. I also like Amy like she's strong, pro-poor economic poverty as Jiren conviction. They were not ideal and the fate of the same, but they all found themselves the best destination.

  In their view, the growth of their home is a place, but also a sacred place of refuge. To listen carefully to their mother's teachings, to use their dexterous hands intelligence of the brain invented one after another innovative at the same time beautify the soul of the game. The four sisters grew up is like the richest man in an interesting education poetry. With neither the author nor boring gorgeous language to show us great human family, friendship and love. It seems to me that in the eyes of four sisters, and they will always love and love of their life together is the most well-being of all things.

  From them on, I learned how strong and learned to understand but can not meet the contentment I learned to always full of hope for the future and try to chase the dream of optimism. I also learned how to redouble our treasure owned by, do not die, and so lost only know their commendable. We should be careful that each person's strengths rather than put on a colored eyes only see other people's shortcomings.

  Meg, Joe, Beisi, Amy their four strong, optimistic spirit will always be stored in my mind. They smile back to exist forever in my mind, to remind me and to strong, have a pure heart





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