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作文 > 英语作文 > 高中英语作文 > 高二年级英语作文 > Responsibility_1500字


2018-06-27 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

     Responsibility, as the name suggests: a branch should do, such as duty, responsibility, responsibility etc.. Two refers to the adverse consequences or compulsory obligations that have not been done well for their own work. People live in the society, not an independent individual, to speak, talk, lift, stop, to bear the corresponding responsibility. As a student, our main responsibility is to study conscientiously. As a teacher, our main responsibility is teaching and educating people. As parents, our main responsibility is to foster children to grow up. Don't say, "isn't that a very tired life? So many responsibilities to bear? " Yes, but I would like to, a person with more responsibility, ability is greater. If you have done the responsibility that you should do and help others, wouldn't it be a sense of achievement? As "give roses, left hand", happy people, enrich their lives, improve their own self-cultivation. Why not enjoy doing it
     When you eat a piece of ice cream in the hot summer, after the food bag thrown into the trash left; when you do not understand the problems encountered to consult with an open mind, not self deception; when you see their parents for a little thing and worry to lock the eyebrow, you do children obligations on their side comfort when...... A trivial and simple thing that seems to be a sense of responsibility.
     I remember an American scholar who said that although responsibility is sometimes boring, it is a coward, a little waste. I don't think everyone wants to be seen as a coward and a waste. Therefore, from now on, we should be a sense of responsibility, so that the sense of responsibility is accompanied by the growth of us all the way...


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