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    All children should play sport_1200字

    2016-04-28 来源:Bsports必一体育原创


        The sport is very good for us, it give us a lot of healthy, strong and fun.

        First, play sport can make you healthier.

        Play sport can make you strong, when I was a little child, I did not like sport, and I think sports are all very board, so I never play sport b, than I always sick. But one day, my friends told me a game, it call “badminton”, my friend told me again, if I won this game, I can have a gift! Then I played the badminton, we played the badminton a whole afternoon, at last, I won, I have a gift! After the day, I always play sport, than I not easily got sick. Sports every day, keeps the doctor away.

        Second, play sports can make you a lot of friends. I already said, when I was a little child, I always sick, so I always at home, I did not have friends. But, I played sports, I saw a lot of my classmates and my friends, they all played sports before, I tried to join with them, so we played together, then a lot of days ago, we all make friends, I have more friends too.

        Third, play sports can relieve study pressure. Now, our study is very important, we all need more hard to study, we cannot do a lot of rest. So in school sports are we best chose, it can relieve study.

        Play sports are very good, sports all very healthy for us, we need play sports can help us more clear-headed to do the things, so all children should have to play sports.

      Doing sports is very good for us, which makes us healthy, strong and happy.

       First, doing sports can make you healthier and stronger. When I was a little child, I did not like sports.  Because I thought they were all boring, I never do sports. At that time, I was always sick. Till one day, my friend told me a game, called “badminton”. He said that I could have a gift if I won. Then I played with him the whole afternoon. At last, I won and I got a gift! After that day, I always did some sports, and day by day,  I was not easily to get sick. I became stronger and stronger. 

        Second, doing sports can help you get a lot of friends. When I was a little child, I always stayed at home. So I have got few frineds. When I started to play badminton, I saw a lot of children doing sports there. I tried to join them, and we played together. We all got well with each other, and I made lot of friends too.

        Third, doing sports can relieve study pressure. Now, study is very important for us, we all need to work hard. We have less time to have a rest. So when we have time, we had better do some sports to relax.

        Doing sports can help us be more clear-headed, so all of us should get some time to do sports. 

    修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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