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My story_2000字

2015-08-04 来源:Bsports必一体育原创

  We will grow up after all.Grown up, sensible, worry too much.Would you like to listen to my story?

  "Growing up is not good, as well as a child you."His parents often unrighteousness commends, home.In the face of these words, I always speechless.Yes, I am not as obedient clever as when I was a child, no longer like before, as long as the parents' words, I will try my best to do, now of I, no longer to do things you don't like.Because of his own ideas?Have your own idea?If so, then I the idea of "self" doesn't seem to be lovable.Have their own thoughts, however, is wrong?Don't want to, I don't want to be a robot, a bit more don't want to force yourself to do something you don't like.

  "You are not a little tension?"Other parents and home.I know what is this age, you don't work hard you will only become a laughing stock.Reality is cruel, competitiveness is very big, I know what is the pressure.It would be like a mountain hard pressure, in my heart is very heavy.I don't know at the time of the night silent people lonely cry how many times, and cried while reading, head is about to explode, but I still have to bite a tooth finish today's task.I have tried, but by this sentence.Oh, the tension.Heart special injustice, then simply indulgence, stopped to let your accomplishments to fall, still can smile doesn't matter.Is this rebellion?I don't know, if it is, the rebellious seems less lovable.

  "Said a top ten sentences, temper so big."Parents angry words, a classic in the home.Don't know if it because of the pressure or a variety of reasons, my temper is becoming more and more bad temper becomes dry, moody.Might even be happy on a second, next second is angry.I still remember my old character, very gentle.Explosion is now dry, a lot of times, each time I angry, I don't know why want to angry.But really a lot, is I make a mountain out of a molehill, a lot of things didn't need to buy gas, and even was a joke, I can be angry.Even sometimes I feel brain cramps, menopause.I want to change, but don't know why the helpless.

  This is my trouble, my story.I want to solve them, can you help me?


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