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My School_1200字

2015-05-05 来源:Bsports必一体育原创

  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!My name is Kevin.My speech is my school.

  All of people in Zhongshan.They always choose Sanxin Bailing school.

  I am one in this school.It is so beautiful and big..If you go to school,first you will see a big statue of Sunzhongshan is made of bronze.

  Next,you will see a big lake.It sometimes green or red.There are green grass,thin willows and fish..When the wind blows,you will go in a nice painting.

  Then,you will see a tall building and hear the loud voice of the reading.We are studying hard in it.It has many classrooms.I am in calss one and it’s on the fourth fioor.

  At last,let me tell you my teacher.My English teacher is Mr.ji.He is little fat and kind-hearted man.He gives us more help.My Chinese teacher is Mrs.sun.She is very strict at class.But it’s good for us .But it is good for us.My math teacher is Mr.zhang .He is short but it is the golden ratio.And,he is humor and great.I would like to thank my teacher.

  That’s all.Please vote for me.


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