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关于和平的英语作文:love of peace_1200字

2011-09-02 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  My eyes seem to have emerged on the battlefield thick smoke in the air scenarioses; to my ears sounded like innocent children were killed by stray bullets and children wail the sound……

  I can not help but think of the war in Iraq now with the United States. Cause of the war initiated by Iraq's oil, the U.S. occupation of Iraq would like to become the Western powers. Tenterhooks all day long the people of Iraq for fear that they will be taken away to the U.S. military. The smoke billowing over Iraq every day, the building blocks of a disintegrated into the ground. In order to protect their homes, and some able-bodied men had to fight in battle array washed. When the sad news came that their loved ones would be how painful it is ah! Poor people on the streets, risking the danger of be shot at any time. Bereaved people are confused everybody. People yearn for peace, people do not want to watch their loved ones die. All of this can not be achieved.

  War and peace, whether the United States choose one? Is the war? Is the peace? I can undertake the duty to answer, is a war! The United States does no harm, the injured is Iraq. Bush can not understand the kind of piercing the Iraqi people have lost loved ones feel that they never find.

  Why does the Nobel "Peace Prize" has to date failed to obtain a state? What does this mean? That the world is not yet peace, we need to safeguard peace and stop the war.

  I certainly would like the text, as Reilly's father, love of peace, the maintenance of peace! As a peace-loving, peace!


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